




Helping area boys find places to play volleyball

We are not a club. Our goal is to help area boys find clubs and teams in town and to help schools set up teams for boys.


Current area Ranking and Results from Max Preps

Boys Volleyball is currently an "Emerging" sport under the ISHAA. This means that the sport is under consideration but during this preliminary time schools must so that there is sufficient interest to deem the sport full sanctioned. 150 schools will need to offer a boys team (min. 40 per region).

Indiana Boys Volleyball Coaches Association leads the way in organizing and promoting Indiana High School boys volleyball. IBVCA.info


March 18th, 5:00 pm: Boys' High School Volleyball night at PFW mens volleyball match vs Loyola. $4 per athlete. https://www.facebook.com/FortWayneBoysVolleyball


Current Boys Teams

Middle Schools

High Schools (Click School name for Schedule)

 - Bishop Dwenger: (pending) 
 - Carroll: (V/JV) Coach Dawn Potter dawn.potter@nacs.k12.in.us 
 - Columbia City: (V/JV) Coach Ryan Kumfer kumferrj@gmail.com
 - Concordia (club): Coach Heidi Wilkinson HWilkinson@clhscadets.com
 - Dekalb: Coach Nathan Baker nbaker@dekalbcentral.net
 - East Noble: Coach Brooke Richison BRichison@eastnoble.net
 - Heritage: (V) Coach Abby Tigulis  atigulis@eacs.k12.in.us
 - Homestead: (V/JV/F) Coach Jess Holtzclaw jholtzclaw@sacs.k12.in.us
 - Huntington North: Coach Ben Goodin  BGoodin@hccsc.k12.in.us
 - Leo (planning on 2024) 
 - New Haven: Coach Austin Caudill acaudill@eacs.k12.in.us 
 - North Side: (V) Brandi Armstrong  brandi.armstrong15@gmail.com
 - Northrop: (V) Coach Trevor Clark tclark@brotherhoodmutual.com
 - Snider: (V/JV) Coach Andrew Dunton andrew.dunton@fwcs.k12.in.us 
 - South Side: (V) Coach Brittani Turner  turnerbrittani30@gmail.com 

Boys Club teams

  - Empowered Volleyball
  - Team Pineapple (Angola)

If you are interested in starting a school team and would like help please see " Starting a Team" page

Nationally Boys’ high school volleyball participation grew more than 4% this year and more than 22% in past 5 years! No other boys sport has come anywhere close to that pace of growth.  From 2018 to 2021 Indiana boys volleyball has a 13% increase in school participation, 12% growth of athletes.

If you coach the girls’ volleyball at your school, starting a boys’ volleyball will only help your program.

“Having a boys’ volleyball at Cathedral High School was a key element to our girls’ volleyball program’s success.  Having male players serving as managers who knew the game and could run drills helped us tremendously in winning eight state championships and one national championship (2015).  

I felt our girls’ volleyball program had a tremendous competitive advantage by having a boys’ volleyball program at Cathedral.  I strongly encourage every coach to establish a boys’ volleyball program at their school.” – Jean Kesterson



Playing Beyond High School 

Local Colleges with Men's Volleyball Teams

Division 1: Purdue Fort Wayne (previously IPFW) - Mastondons 

Division 3: Trine (previously Tri-State) - Thunder

NAIA: Indiana Tech - Warriors



Local Pro Team


 - Team Pineapple